Read Our Newly Published Article in Pitture e Vernici European Coatings Magazine on MEKO Compliance and “Future-Proofing” Alkyds
July 12, 2021 | News
New requirements for methyl ethyl ketoxime (MEKO) concentration levels will be going into effect on March 1st, 2022 in the European Union. Requirements for cobalt concentration levels are likely not far behind.
As MEKO anti-skins and cobalt paint driers are commonly used in alkyd coatings, formulations will need efficient replacements that meet new regulatory requirements without sacrificing coating performance.
Our latest article in the July/August issue of Pitture e Vernici European Coatings magazine, written by European Technical Service Manager Allison Musto, breaks down how you can “future-proof” your alkyd formulations from upcoming regulatory requirements with high-quality MEKO-free and cobalt-free alternatives.
Click here to read the article.