Special combination drier based on Cobalt, Barium and Zinc for oxidatively drying paint systems

  • Physical Characteristics

    AppearanceClear, violet liquid
    Metal contentBa: 7.00 – 7.40 %
    Co: 1.10 – 1.30 %
    Zr: 3.10 – 3.30 %
    Total: 11.20 – 12.00 % (calculated)
    DIN 55901
    Non-volatile content55.00 – 65.00 % ISO 3251 (2g, 3h, 105 °C)
    ViscosityMax. 250 mPa.s (20°C) ISO 3219 (A)
    Specific gravityNA
    Density0.970 – 1.010 g/cm³ DIN 51757 (20 °C)
    SolventWhite-spirit with <1 % aromatics


  • Features

    • Promotes uniform through-drying
    • Prevents wrinkling and skinning
    • Excellent drier stability
    • Low viscosity
    • Readily meterable
    • Long shelf-life
    • Improved drying times even under adverse atmospheric conditions
    •  Cloudiness and precipitation do not occur

  • Applications

    • All binder systems that that dry by oxidation, especially:
      • White and light-colored paints


  • Dosage

    Experiments have shown that the necessary addition of Borchers® Deca 203 should be between 2 and 5 % relative to solid resin, depending on the resin and the pigment system. This is equivalent to a cobalt content of 0.024 to 0.060 %. When using pigments which retard the drying process such as carbon black or toluidine red, a higher addition rate or special stabilization may be necessary. Borchers® Deca Barium 12.5 or Octa-Soligen® Calcium 10, basic are suitable for this purpose. In paint systems which already contain zinc compounds (e.g. zinc-treated titanium dioxide), the zinc in Borchers® Deca 203 may retard drying. Addition of Borchers® Deca Zirconium 6 brings about an improvement in many such cases. lt may still be necessary to switch to a different drier system, however, in this case we recommend trials with Borchers® Deca 173.

  • Storage

    Protect from the effects of weathering and store at temperatures below 50 °C. Once opened, containers should be resealed immediately after each removal of the product.

  • Safety

    Please refer to our safety data sheet for information relating to product safety.

Registration :

For chemical inventory status, please review section 15 of the current SDS.

Click here to access the SDS portal.

For additional regulatory information, please contact regulatory@milliken.com.